Adam Czyzewski – the director of the State Ethnographic Museum in Warsaw, doctor of Humanities, cultural anthropologist, graduate of the Jagiellonian University, the disciple of prof Mieczyslaw Porębski and Czeslaw Robotycki, the author of the works in the field of anthropology of the city, visual culture and object anthropology. Curator of exhibitions. Publicist. Founder and editor-in-chief of magazines devoted to architecture and design. He taught anthropology and visual culture of the city at the Jagiellonian University (Institute of Cultural Anthropology and Ethnology) and the University of Warsaw (MISH). Since January 2008 he is the director of the State Ethnographic Museum in Warsaw.
Artur Gosk - a designer, graduate in architecture at the University of Technology in Szczecin. He is engaged in designing architecture and object. His projects are participatory, involving workshops with users and residents, and their final structure is the result of an extensive public consultation. Particularly important in Arthur Gosk`s work are projects concerning recreations and sports activities. Arthur has created several projects using so-called "lost spaces ", i.e. these ones in urban areas, which for various reasons do not use their potential. Permanently he cooperates with the Association "Based in Warsaw", responsible for the concepts of the architectural projects such as "Mursk / Ładne in color", "Olęder traditions and modern organization of space", "Urban Safari".
Anna Grunwald – the head of Scientific-Educational and Children's Museum in the State Ethnographic Museum in Warsaw, doctoral student in the Department of Teaching at the Faculty of History at the University of Warsaw. Polonist (University of Lodz), graduate of Management at the University of Warsaw. A co-author of school books: a series of "What a history!", lesson plans for teachers published by New Era, the author of "The Anthology of Polish sung poetry" published by Siedmioróg, expertises, educational articles, coach.
Małgorzata Jaszczołt - graduated ethnology at the Jagiellonian University in Krakow and Postgraduate Museum Studies (UJ). She works in the State Ethnographic Museum in Warsaw since 1995. Peter Szacki`s disciple. From the beginning she deals with the collections of the basic economy and crafts, first in structures of department of Ethnography of Poland and Europe, since 2011, she is a guardian of such collections in the Central Storehouse of the Collections. She is the author of the permanent exhibition "Folk arts and crafts ", co-author of the Sibyl award-winning jubilee exhibition "ordinaryextraordinary. The fascinating collections of the State Ethnographic Museum in Warsaw " and several individual exhibitions (such as undertaking the issue of women's sphere of activity "Woman's road from furnace to doorstep"in 2006). She dealt with movie recordings so-called: dying off crafts, the author of several documents. Since 2007 - she works as a curator.
Dr Paweł Matwiejczuk – the head of the Central Storehouse of the Collections in the State Etnographic Museum in Warsaw, historian and theologian. A graduate of the University of Warsaw and Christian Theological Academy in Warsaw. The author of exhibitions: "God's beavers - Forgotten Olęders' world" and "The Legend of Master Hiram. The portayal of swindler in folk culture and not only ... ". Museum professional, publicist, blogger and academic teacher.
Edyta Ołdak – a cocreator of the project, coordinator on behalf of the Association "Based in Warsaw", artist, educator and graphic artist. In her activities she is focused on work in the city space, organizes social and educational projects with children and adults. The author of such projects as: "Great Architecture for All Children" – the project dedicated to blind children (the prize for the best non-governmental initiative in 2010), "Hello! Warsaw is calling!", or "Mursk / Ładne in color", the result of which was the color analysis of two villages. An active member of several project groups implemented by, inter alia: Schumann Foundation and Local Activity Centre. The author of the concept and co-author of the illustrations for the books. A scholar of the Ministry of Culture for 2007. Since 2009 the founder and chairwoman of the Association "Based in Warsaw".
Monika Osinkowska – a consultant in the field of brand management, promotion and implementation of a new product. A graduate of the department of art history at the University of Warsaw, postgraduate Public Relations (UW) and the Strategic Design Management in the Institute of Industrial Design. She gathered an experience in branding and marketing agencies. She deals with the strategic analysis of communication, branding and marketing of new products. Responsible eg. for Pani Jurek brand.
Pani Jurek – a designer, graduate of the Warsaw Academy of Fine Arts in painting, the founder of the brand "Pani Jurek", under which she implements her own projects. She designs non-static objects, thought-provoking and encouraging to self-creation, beyond its stereotypical function and enabling an interaction with user. In her works important is action, movement, change, relations between people and objects. The author dedicated to children and mothers series of open objects "The exemplary mom", which includes eg. the award-winning tablecloth-small house. A co-author of integration books for Polish and Vietnamese children as well as the blind and sighted. Her works have been shown at numerous exhibitions in Poland and abroad.
Patryk Pawlaczyk - ethnologist. A graduate of the Department of Ethnology and Cultural Anthropology of the Nicolaus Copernicus University in Toruń. He currently works in the Department of Ethnography of Poland and Europe of the State Etnographic Museum in Warsaw. He deals with issues related to traditional culture, aesthetics, transcultural, conducts fieldwork in Caucasus.
Alexander (Bratek) Robotycki - born in 1980, ethnologist and anthropologist. He finished his studies at the Faculty of History at the Jagiellonian University in the Institute of Ethnology and Cultural Anthropology, in the Institute of Political Studies in Lyon (Lyon II). He obtained the Certificat d'Etudes Politiques. He is interested in wider understood contemporary culture: from sports and anthropology of city to reflection on the condition of contemporary humanities. For four years he has been working in the State Ethnographic Museum in Warsaw, Department of Ethnography of Poland and Europe, member of the editorial board of the magazine "The New Ethnography".