The exhibition planned for autumn 2014 "Release the Project" aims to convey to people Szacki's idea, by presenting prototypes of created objects and items which, were made under the new rules of production and distribution.
The exhibition will be accompanied by the videos documenting the project and recording cooperation between designer and craftsman.
We want to show that craft creativity gives an additional value to an object and makes that an object is not one of the thousands of identical products, which were made in mass production. During the exhibition educational trails will be created for different target groups, which particularly emphasise the value of artisans and designers, as works of human hands and mind in contrast to anonymous mass products.
At the time of the exhibition we want to borrow items produced by craftsmen. We look forward to cooperate with recipient-consumer. We want that a recipient would have an impact on the final structure of the exhibition. He was a co-founder of the event and had a chance to present his personal preferences, which became the subject of the contract with a craftsman.